On-Demand Tutoring

Varsity Tutors

Give every student easy access to personalized learning support when and where they need it. With On Demand, your students have access to 24/7 unlimited real-time learning support from highly qualified tutors, writing feedback, proven standards-based self-study resources, and always-on enrichment.

Varsity Tutors  Click on the link and log in using your student credential

On-Demand Tutoring

Students can seek help from expert tutors through our 24/7 live chat across core K-12 subjects. With our shared whiteboard students can draw, upload a file, or share an image of their assignment.

How To Chat with a Tutor (video in English)

Cómo Chatear con un Tutor (video in Spanish) 

Essay Review

Students upload drafts and receive asynchronous detailed feedback from experts in grammar and composition to improve their writing and submit more thoughtful work.

How To Submit an Essay for Review (video)

Live and On-Demand Classes

Hundreds of academic and enrichment classes to engage and inspire students to dive deeper into their interests and discover new ones. 

Self-Study Resources

Students can identify and close skill gaps at their own pace through adaptive assessments, instructional videos, quizzes, and practice problems all aligned with academic standards.