Social & Emotional Wellness

Social and emotional learning, or SEL, is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions. By way of education, community resources, appropriate staff training, and dedicated social and emotional teams, Halifax County Public Schools intends to foster SEL development through all stakeholders of HCPS.

Social and Emotional Learning: 6 Key Factors

  • Quality over Quantity: Carefully select specific and targeted initiatives that can be implemented with fidelity and embraced by school staff.

  • Comprehensive Development: The goal of a social and emotional learning program is to foster the development of five emotional and behavioral competencies: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.

  • Dedicated Teams: School may use existing teams focused on multi-tiered systems of support for the planning and implementation of social-emotional and wellness curriculum and supports.

  • Valuing Student Voice: Including students in SEL action planning is a key component. School teams must have meaningful conversations with their students to understand their perceptions and gain feedback on future plans and current initiatives.

  • Teacher Social Emotional Wellness: Social emotional learning and self-care starts with adults, and planning for supports for staff can increase the efficacy of the model and training.

  • Prioritize Two-way Communication between Families and Schools: Communication between schools, families, and community organizations has always been critical to SEL, but is particularly front and center during this time of uncertainty and transitions.

Social and Emotional Objectives

Social and Emotional Resources

Tips and Helpful Information